Discover how powerful insight from the Polyvagal Theory can help you tap into your clients’ nervous system and accelerate treatment outcomes.
Polyvagal Theory has revolutionized our understanding of both how the body’s autonomic nervous system responds to fear and trauma and how therapists can work with it to create safety, connection and lasting healing.
Now you can join Stephen Porges, PhD, creator of the evidence-based Polyvagal Theory to learn how the Polyvagal Theory leverages neurobiology and psychophysiological cues to enhance your ability to treat trauma, anxiety, ADHD, addiction, depression – and a host of other mental health conditions.
Get practical guidance into the therapeutic power of facial expression, eye contact, voice modulation, and listening to help your clients overcome traumatic experiences, attachment wounds, and self-regulation problems – insight that can enhance any therapeutic approach and help you achieve lasting clinical outcomes. Through interactive demonstrations, videos, and engaging discussions, you’ll learn practical methods of applying Polyvagal Theory within the clinical setting to help clients of all ages.
You’ll walk away with effective interventions that build client safety and connectedness.
Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how the nervous system holds the key to improving treatment outcomes, even with your most challenging cases.
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