Using Neuroscience in Trauma Therapy provides a basic overview of structure and function of the brain and nervous system, with special emphasis on changes that occur when the brain is exposed to trauma. The book presents a unique and integrative approach that blends soma and psyche beyond the purview of traditional talk therapy and introduces a variety of trauma-informed approaches for promoting resilience. Each chapter includes case studies, examples, and practical and adaptable tools, making Using Neuroscience in Trauma Therapy a go-to guide for information on applying lessons from neuroscience to therapy.
I was assigned to read this for my doctor… But it actually was a very fascinating read! This is the first time I have ever completed every single reading assignment.
General reader: do not hesitate to pick up and read “Using Neuroscience”. While it is thoroughly grounded in scientific principles, it is written at a level accessible to those of us without a background in counseling or trauma therapy. You do not need to understand all the details in the book to grasp its import: our behavior really is rooted in neurological processes of a sort that must be carefully regarded to be understood.
Mrs. Uhernik does us all a service in writing “Using Neuroscience”: she informs us, in a way that I, a layman, certainly didn’t know, that contemporary therapy draws on highly sophisticated concepts of the brain’s function to improve the quality of counseling service
As a therapist I find Julie’s presentation of different approaches and techniques very helpful.
Really helpful! I am using it for a graduate counseling class that I teach. Information is easy for a person who is not a medical doctor to understand. It is helpful as we look at the developing brain and how developmental and “shock” trauma can impact it. Thanks!